Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience

Volcanoes and people

Producer : Les Bons clients - Thibaut Camurat

Realisator : Jean-Luc Guidoin

Format : 26' episode

Distribution : Arte

Year : 2018

Episode : "Ecuador, under the Cotopaxi glacier" episode

Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience

Volcanoes and people

Arnaud Guérin, geologist and professional photographer, is a passionate traveler. In this documentary series, he highlights the interactions between volcanoes, veritable living mountains, and the local populations who live with these forces of nature. In this episode, “Ecuador, beneath the Cotopaxi glacier”, he follows Sylvana Hidalgo and Freddy Vasconez as they scientifically monitor the earthquakes and eruptions of the majestic Cotopaxi. Then, in the company of shaman Santiago, he discovers the ancestral rites linked to the volcano.

“Des Volcans et des Hommes” is a series of 20 episodes, each 26 minutes long, broadcast on the ARTE channel.

Further information on Arnaud Guérin: www.arnaudguerin.com

Episode on ARTE website: “Ecuador, under the Cotopaxi glacier”.

Our services for this project

What they say about our services

These two shoots in Ecuador with a team of super pros were a fantastic experience. Everything was perfect, from the editorial to the transport and even the end-of-shoot dinner in an ancient Inca temple in the middle of a hacienda where traces of Von Humboldt’s passage can still be seen….. Xavier is an outstanding naturalist and a leader of men who knows how to find solutions when nothing goes right. Out of a series of 35 documentaries, Xavier and his team’s fixing is in the top 3 !!!! Many thanks to them … the only thing they didn’t count on was altitude sickness…. They can’t do everything !!!!

Arnaud Guérin

Photo gallery

Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
Volcanoes and people - Fixing Experience
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