All our fixing services - Fixing Experience

All our fixing services

Our in-depth expertise in the management of audiovisual and journalistic production projects, combined with our perfect knowledge of the field and its imperatives, will be a great asset to you on site.

Fixing Experience

Equipment rental

In the event of a technical problem, it is entirely possible to rent quality filming equipment in the country. Although availability is generally low, Fixing Experience will do its utmost to find suitable filming equipment at local rates. We also have a list of our own equipment that we can rent out in the event of a breakdown (drone, stabilizer, tripod, 4k camera, etc.).


Fixing Experience carries out in-depth research before, during and after each report, ensuring that no essential detail is lost along the way. In addition to the fixing service, we also work upstream to ensure that the production has factual sources and to establish the basic facts of your story. Thanks to our extensive network and knowledge of the local media, our local fixers can help foreign journalists quickly check the facts. We help your journalistic team gain a better understanding…


Finding your way around Ecuador and South America is not always easy. The Fixing Experience team, thanks to its many years of experience as a guide, knows the country's nooks and crannies and how to get there. There's no language barrier or misinterpretation of facts: our entire team is local and perfectly bilingual. Resourceful, they'll bounce back from any unforeseen event or complication to make your job easier and help you get the images you need. We'll guide you before,…

Local technical team

Do you prefer to recruit locally for your project, or is a last-minute imperative preventing one of your technicians from traveling? Don't worry, we'll find you the local talent you need for your audiovisual project at affordable rates, with guaranteed image quality. Cameramen, sound engineers, specialized technicians, underwater operators, drone pilots, translators or any other specialized bilingual person - our vast network of audiovisual professionals is inexhaustible. Sometimes, minimizing the mobilization of an international team can reduce your budget and,…

Production Manager

Thanks to our many years of experience, we ensure that your production runs smoothly and efficiently. Flexible, we can adapt to any project size and budget.

Based in Quito, we also have teams of fixers in every corner of the continent who can offer you local services to international standards. Managing multiple teams, including multiple sites and workflows, doesn't scare us.

Quotes and budget

Rest assured, we'll take care of your budget too. Our priority is to save you money: no hidden costs, no surprises. We want you to come back. Ecuador is the only dollarized country in the region, and its economic stability also means no surprises from currency fluctuations. Our many years of experience in tourism and logistical support for scientific expeditions enable us to offer you the services best suited to your wallet. If you wish, our fixers can also act…


We know how to find the right locations and the right people, and we love doing it. We carry out in-depth research to find the best locations and the right characters for an original story. Mother Nature has provided Ecuador with breathtaking landscapes. More than a dozen international films have been produced in Ecuador. Our team of fixers and pre-production staff are ready to offer you the best localization options. The success of your work as an international journalist working…

Shooting permits

Fixing Experience will help you cut through the red tape involved in carrying out your journalistic project, so that you can obtain the right passes, release forms, accreditations and above all filming permits, even in the Galapagos. These authorizations in Ecuador are regulated on a case-by-case basis, which means that there is no single authority to approve them. Particular attention must be paid to national parks, heritage sites, high-traffic areas such as historical centers, any closed perimeters or public/private land.…


From Spanish to French, from Quichua to English and vice versa, all in no time at all. Fixing Experience's bilingual fixers give you immediate access to every detail of your story, providing training in your language to prepare your story, but above all simultaneous translations during interviews for a complete understanding of the local context. We also offer post-production translation services in several languages and post-production information checks.

Transport and logistics

Fixing Experience has its own subsidiary to provide all logistical and transport support. Toucan Express specializes in technical transport and logistical support for a large number of audiovisual, scientific and technical projects throughout Ecuador. Our fleet of vehicles adapted to any terrain and our team of professional drivers will meet your most demanding requirements. For the rest, we look for the best alternatives, on water, on land or in the sky. For basic logistics (catering, accommodation and transport), once again…